Typically, facies modeling of a reservoir is carried out using. Hodson, paul, 2009, documentation of the new mp facies algorithm in petrel 2009. A method to integrate geological knowledge in variogram. The petrelisatis link proves to be essential to the petrel user who wishes to fully benefit from isatis. It enables both simple and complex workflowssuch as seismicdriven modeling in which probabilities can be used in several different ways to help create a realistic representation of the depositional facies or lithologies. Petrel tutorior free ebook download as powerpoint presentation. Constraining multiplepoint facies models to seismic amplitude data hugo caetano1 and jef caers2 1 centre for modelling petroleum reservoirs cmrp, instituto superior tecnico av. The project dialog should show ocean as an option in the list of new project types as shown in the following figure. Petrel reservoir engineering and eclipse simulator improve. Petrel combines geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering modules to enable a full seismic to simulation workflow.
The stages consist of structural modeling such as horizons and faults, facies modeling and petrophysical modeling. Facies screening in petrophysical modeling using petrel. I am working on the petrophysical modeling of the sandstone reservoir suing petrel. Static reservoir modeling using well log and 3d seismic data in a kn field, offshore niger delta, nigeria lukumon adeoti 1, njoku onyekachi, olawale olatinsu 2, julius fatoba 3, musa bello1.
Department of geosciences, university of lagos, lagos, nigeria. Sometimes they are built as grids representing channel thickness and hung from an existing structure or inserted between two structures. Pdf best practice stochastic facies modeling from a channelfill. Creating probability trend models for facies properties.
The course covers basic geostatistics, data preparation, data analysis, facies and petrophysical modeling. Static reservoir modeling using well log and 3d seismic. For each facies, these data were then used to derive averaged relative rock permeability by normalization and denormalization processing. Fault modeling in the previous section, we did some editing on the input data to bring it to a form suitable to petrel for building the 3d geological model. Mappers and modelers who have used petrel for sometime may be unaware of this simple yet extremely useful tool for calculating zone average attribute values. Petrel differentiates between import file, which can be found on the file pulldown menu and on the tool bar, and import on selection, which can be found on the insert pulldown menu and on the right mouse button menu on folders in the petrel explorer. The depositional characteristics will suggest rules concerning the geometries of the facies and the possible relationships between facies, especially where the facies have been related to each other within a stratigraphic sequence or a cyclothem. Facies modeling was carried out for the alternative multilayered trap wherefour facies rock characteristics had been identified. The main steps involved in reservoir modeling include. Pdf using data from an outcrop characterization of a sandstonerich.
With import on selection the imported data will be inserted directly into the active. Pdf threedimensional facies analysis using objectbased. Defining a new model, creating faults from fault polygons. There is extensive conditioning to hard data and seismic data and these results to a high resolution geocellular model. Operations manual petrel 1 petrel 2 shearwater research. The petrel facies modeling module enables the population all geocellular grids with discrete property values for geological characterization of your reservoir.
Fill all memory channels for peak bandwidth z200 and elitebook have 2channel memory. Task fronterras suggested image facies texture and color scheme for clastic and carbonate strata in petrel. Recommended bios settings for petrel on a following page 1. C01 intro to petrel 2004 tab gui petroleum reservoir. Structural modeling consists of fault modeling, pillar gridding, and vertical layering. Petrel facies modeling is used to populate geocellular grids with discrete property values for geological characterization of the reservoir. Facies modeling is also vital to reservoir simulation and reservoir characterization analysis. Integration of facies models in reservoir simulation. Facies modeling described by probabilistic patterns using multi. Nov 25, 2014 3d facies modelling project using petrel software. Department of physics, university of lagos, lagos, nigeria. The act of modeling a reservoir using knowledge of the facies that make up the reservoir and the depositional environments that the facies represent. The building process may be decomposed into the following steps. Threedimensional facies analysis using objectbased.
Top structure map of the xfield showing the major faults structural modeling. Its use allows rapid qc of calculated log data and the calculation of field wide volumes. Bhi data load into petrel depending upon the customers requests, the dip vectors can be imported on a well by well basis e. Facies modeling and sequence stratigraphy journal of. Msc geology and geophysics abstract the montserrat and sant llorenc del munt fandelta complexes were developed during the eocene in the ebro basin. Facies modeling using simple or advanced stochastic simulations including the plurigaussian, multiplepointstatistics and processbased method as flumy to model complex geology. I have stared myself blind on the data analysis tab in petrel and do understand what the nugget is and what variograms indicate variation in relation to distance. Abc1 beddings, abc2 beddings and abc3 beddings, andor lumped together in one file for an. Multipoint facies modeling examples of a turbidite and a fluvial system. Hierarchical 3d facies model capturing conceptual geology. Pdf facies and petrophysical modeling of the upper bahariya. If using local readmostly project caches, then cache drive should be 2 drives, raid0 stripe. Dear static modelers, can anybody help me with understanding the use of variograms in my facies modelling workflow.
Pdf building a 3d geological model using petrel software. Ocean wizard developer pack installed to check whether the ocean wizard has been installed, run visual studio and select new project from the file menu. Petrel standingby ms word anp sent the dataset first data processing reservoir modeling reservoir comparisons thesys writing structural model facies model permeability model density and velocity seismic attributes status software completed petrel completed petrel completed dss completed ms excel codss in progress petrel standingby ms word. Using multidisciplinary multiscale data to create nonstationary facies probabilit y trend models. In this study, petrel 2011 software is used for facies modeling of this carbonate reservoir. T quc dng nhom 7 h hong phc nguyn mnh trng nguyn mai nam nguyn vn phc. How to import completion event data in petrel petrofaq. Pdf facies and petrophysical modeling of the upper. Static reservoir modeling using well log and 3d seismic data. Full description from seismic to simulation procedures of shlumberger software. I have selected three facies ie sandstone, shaly sandstone and shale on the basis of basic log analysis which is used to prepare facies model. Petrel is a windows based software for 3d visualization, 3d mapping and 3d reservoir modeling and simulation. Memory size is critical physical memory should hold active project data 2. G from facies logs and how to address some of the stumbling blocks, such as.
Petrel software using the appropriate file of type format. The ocean wizards and developers tools in visual studio 7 figure 2. Pdf the earlymid paleocene farewell formation is stratigraphically distributed. Clastic facies models, a personal perspective harold g. In addition, use of the leverettj function, available within the techlog saturationheight modeling shm. Jan 16, 2017 this feature is not available right now. Remember that completion event data can only be imported for well trajectories already imported into petrel. Hierarchical 3d facies model capturing conceptual geology of fluvialdeltaic environment in zawtika gas field, offshore myanmar peerapong ekkawong1, sureena matha2, rangsan bhengbhun2, and ellya saudale3.
Constraining multiplepoint facies models to seismic. The objective of the masters thesis work presented herein was to construct a 3d model for the south scania site by using modeling simulation software petrel, evaluate well log data as well as carry out stochastic simulations by using different geostatistical algorithms and evaluate the benefits in this. This course is intended for the user with fundamental petrel modeling skills. Construction of typical facies models and the three dimensional. This is the most straightforward algorithm for generating realizations of a multivariable gaussian field. Building a 3d geological model using petrel software for asmari reservoir, south eastern iraq. In this chapter we summarize the facies assemblages, vertical profiles and architecture, and the autocyclic mechanisms that control deposition in the various clastic and chemical sedimentary environments. This is presentation for students for education purposes. Note that the petrel isatis link will work with any journal file created by the workflow editor or by hand. Petrel plugin for modeling uncertainty in metric space kwangwon park and jef caers stanford center for reservoir forecasting department of energy resource engineering stanford university abstract modeling uncertainty for reservoir performance prediction is still a challenging and outstanding problem due to geological complexity of reservoir and cpu demanding flow simulations. This is a sequential approach work flow, where large scale properties are modeled first, followed by smaller uncertain properties. Within a single environment, geoscientists can perform the key geological workflows from stratigraphic and seismic interpretation through fracture, facies, and geocellular property modeling to history matching and production simulation.
Ocean for petrel wizards and developers tools in visual studio. The grid cells along the trajectories wells carry out averaging of gis interpretation results facies curves, lithology, porosity, oil saturation, etc. C01 intro to petrel 2004 free download as powerpoint presentation. Pdf 3d static modeling in petrel arzu javadova academia. This course focus on facies modeling, which in recent years has become the main method for guiding and constraining petrophysical models.
Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Structural modeling is the first step in building a 3d model. For the facies modeling two types of simulation algorithms. It enables both simple and complex workflowssuch as seismicdriven modeling in which probabilities can be used in several different ways. The figure below shows a grid based stream channel. Facies modeling support for geomodels if you are in the process of building a geomodel or would like to refine an existing geomodel, we can help in the following ways. Facies modeling of heterogeneous carbonates reservoirs by.
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